
Delegation trip to the GDC in San Francisco

The Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco is the world's largest and longest-running professionals-only game industry event. This year a Bavarian delegation with support by FFF participants visited the conference. The goal of this trip, organized by Games Bavaria Munich e.V. was, to represent the Bavarian computer game industry at the GDC. Even young companies should be able to participate in this event so they can exchange views with colleagues from around the world,  upskill themselves and extend their network.

Among the participants were: Dominik Abé (Mimimi Productions), Sebastian Bender (Wolpertinger Games), Benjamin Rauscher (Realmforge Studios), Michel Wacker (Gentle Troll Entertainment), Marcel-André Casasola Merkle (The Coding Monkeys), Dennis Huszak (Games Bavaria Munich eV) and Markus Wilding (remote Control Productions).

The delegation members visited, as part of the GDC, conference lectures, meetings, network meetings and participated in an official framework program that was sponsored by the FFF Bavaria. This included a scavenger hunt through San Francisco, a boat tour organized by Teamspeak , the Bavarian Happy Hour hosted by Games/Bavaria, Werk 1, Teamspeak and the Bavarian U.S. Offices for Economic Development, as well as a visit to the German Pavilion on the GDC Expo. Due to these events, the delegation participants had the opportunity to get in direct contact with major companies from the german sector like Crytek, Teamspeak or Aruba Events, as well as with international companies such as Unity, Microsoft and Sony.

You can find pictures of the trip here.